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EA Games creates social media sitcom featuring four Sims to bring game to new audience

Thursday, 04 September 2014 15:37

EA Games has turned to social media to bring game The Sims to a new audience, with the drama being told through four separate Twitter accounts – one for each of the main characters.

Created by EA Games and MediaCom Beyond Advertising in partnership with TED, the sitcom launched on 1 September and will run for two weeks, to tell the tale of two guys, one girl, an interfering friend, a mysterious thief, a jilted bride and a giant fish.

Andy Way, head of social UK and international at MediaCom, said: “David Mitchell has written a Twitter novel, the RSC have done ‘Titus Andronicus’ on Twitter. We thought it was time that the third great art form had a go. The sitcom.”

The profiles @jinxisaspell, @LavelyLavinia, @GentlemanAndSch and @SouljaRoi will tweet updates for the sitcom, with a custom timeline of activity for each day being posted both on the EA and Sims Twitter feeds for users to check out.

The entire storyline of the sitcom, which was created in collaboration with comedy production and distribution company ‘The Wagon’, can also be seen on Tumblr.

Freddie Waters, creative director at The Wagon, said: "The Sims is a perfect subject for a sitcom. It’s an exciting opportunity to show that comedy, when done properly, is a powerful way for brands to engage their target audience."


Last modified on Thursday, 04 September 2014 15:47