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Twitter puts $140 on the head of site-breaking bugs to encourage hackers to report flaws

Thursday, 04 September 2014 16:43

Twitter has announced that it will now offer bounties of $140 to code experts who locate bugs in the social network's coding that could be exploited to compromise security.

The social network outlined a scheme on Thursday where it will pay those who find security flaws in the site a minimum of $140 as the prize for their vigilance and discretion.

The initiative was started by a company called HackerOne on Twitter’s behalf in June. The ‘bug bounty ‘payments were however only implemented this week to provide coders an incentive not to exploit any bugs they find.

The site revealed that it had learned of 44 site flaws through the scheme so far, but expects more hackers to participate in future as a result of the payments.

Last modified on Thursday, 04 September 2014 16:48