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Port City Colombo donates 20 laptop computers to the Colombo Municipal Council for use at vaccination centers

Tuesday, 22 June 2021 07:38

Port City Colombo donates 20 laptop computers to the Colombo Municipal Council for use at vaccination centers

Businesscafe - Port City Colombo donated 20 laptop computers to the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) to be used at vaccination centers, in support of the Council’s ongoing public vaccination drive against COVID-19.

Mr. Jiang Houliang, Managing Director of CHEC Port City Colombo, handed over the laptops to the Mayor of Colombo, Her Worship Rosy Senanayake today (17) at the Colombo Municipal Council.

The Mayor highly appreciated the philanthropic gesture of Port City Colombo during these challenging times, when the country is in the midst of fighting a global pandemic.

She said that the laptop computers were an essential requirement for the CMC officials who are engaged in the vaccination program in the Colombo municipality.

Mr. Jiang Houliang thanked the Mayor and her staff for the assistance and guidance during the vaccination program held at Port City Colombo premises for local and Chinese staff in April.

Dr. Ruwan Wijemuni, Chief Medical Officer of CMC, who also participated in the hand over, said the CMC vaccination program using the Sinopharm vaccine is currently underway, covering the entire Colombo metropolis.

He added that the data collection process at vaccination centers is crucial and that the officers are now able to use the computers donated to streamline the process.

Municipal Commissioner Mrs. Roshanie Dissanayake, Port City Colombo Head of Public Relations Mr. Kassapa Senarath, and Manager, Property Development, Mr. Shalaka Wijeyaratne also participated in the donation.

Last modified on Tuesday, 22 June 2021 08:08