10 Crypto magnates make it to the billionaires club despite recent market struggles

Businesscafe - Market uncertainty, rising inflation, and lower crypto prices are among the hottest topics in 2022.

HNB Saru Ge Watte leads agricultural revival in the central province

Businesscafe - Supporting efforts to reform and revitalize Sri Lanka’s agricultural sector at the grassroots during these challenging times, private sector bank HNB PLC launched ‘HNB Saru Ge Watte’, a campaign aimed at establishing new marketplaces for rural farmers in urban areas while promoting home gardening in urban areas across the Central Province.

 HNB FINANCE enters Ambalanthota with complete portfolio of financial services

Businesscafe - HNB FINANCE, one of Sri Lanka’s leading finance company, recently relocated its Hambanthota branch to Ambalanthota located at No. 43, Main Street, Ambalanthota (Beragama junction)’

Seylan Cards Light Up GLOMARK Online with Happy Hour

Businesscafe - Seylan Bank, the Bank with a Heart, has partnered with Softlogic GLOMARK, to ensure a hassle-free online shopping experience at www.glomark.lk for loyal Seylan Credit Cardholders with added benefits during a Happy Hour.

ComBank launches Arunalu Foreign Currency Savings Account for children

Businesscafe - A timely opportunity to save for children in foreign currency has been unveiled by the Commercial Bank of Ceylon with the launch of the ‘Arunalu’ Foreign Currency Minor’s Savings Account.

UBS bank records the highest return on Equity in Europe at 12.96

Businesscafe - UBS bank is the highest-performing European bank in terms of return on equity.

DFCC Bank implements energy saving initiatives in line with its Sustainability Strategy

Businesscafe - DFCC Bank, the Bank for Everyone, through its Sustainability Strategy, seeks to create a resilient world for everyone.

HNB FINANCE empowers rural education through Wadinagala College

Businesscafe - HNB FINANCE PLC, one of the leading finance companies in Sri Lanka, recently donated books and equipment including a computer and an in-school library to the students of Wadinagala College, Ampara under its programme that uplifts rural education.

 Commercial Bank

Businesscafe - More than 2,000 young Sri Lankans have successfully completed a selection of IT courses offered by the CISCO Networking Academy, as a result of a collaboration between the Academy and the Commercial Bank of Ceylon.