Sanasa Life Introduces "Pinsaru Vandana" – A Premium Insurance Policy for Buddhist Clergy

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Published in Healthcare & Insurance Tuesday, 07 February 2023 13:04

Sanasa Life Introduces Pinsaru Vandana A Premium Insurance Policy for Buddhist Clergy

Businesscafe - Helping to elevate and protect the Buddha Sasana, Sanasa Life Insurance has introduced a very special and tailored insurance policy for Buddhist Monks.

The “Pinsaru Vandana” insurance policy provides a specialized insurance scheme addressing the special needs of Buddhist Monks.

An auspicious inauguration ceremony was held, in the presence of several senior members of the Buddhist Clergy on the 17th of January 2023, at the Sri Sambudhdhatva Jayanthi Mandiraya in Colombo.

A total of 300 Buddhist Monks were in attendance at the event, and gave their blessings for this special insurance scheme.

A group of dignitaries, including Wishawa Prasadini, Dr. P. A. Kirivandeniya and Piriwena Director, Venerable Watinapaha Somarathana Thero, were also present and played key roles during the event.

“Pinsaru Vandana” is an insurance scheme that provides relief and protection for junior monks, in the event of the death, serious illness or incapacitation of their patron/senior monk.

In such an unfortunate event, junior monks can often become destitute and or marginalized.

Thus, “Pinsaru Vandana” will help to protect these young monks as they pursue their journey and mission of elevating and sustaining the Buddha Sasana.

Read 662 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 February 2023 13:39