Sanasa General Insurance now in Kiribathgoda

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Published in Healthcare & Insurance Wednesday, 21 June 2023 07:08

Sanasa General Insurance now in Kiribathgoda

Businesscafe - Sanasa General Insurance, Sri Lanka's most trusted and fastest growing insurance company, recently opened its 79th branch in Kiribathgoda.

The new branch was opened with the aim of providing all its customers with insurance services, particularly, general insurance services, easily and efficiently.

Sanasa General Insurance Chairman Tishan Subasinghe, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Wasantha Perera, Assistant General Manager (Sales) Dilan Gunaratne and many guests including staff members participated in the opening ceremony of the new branch located at No. 107, Makola Road, Kiribathgoda.

"Sanasa General Insurance Company has a market share of 1% in the general insurance market at present.

The programme to expand our branch network to increase it is underway.

We expect to establish the next branch in Wattala in the future." said Chairman Tishan Subasinghe.

"The programme to expand our branch network across the island is being implemented successfully.

We invite all Sri Lankans to join us in fulfilling your general insurance needs." COO Wasantha Perera said.

Sanasa General Insurance was launched in 2019, and Sanasa Insurance has an illustrious history of more than 30 years.

In the first quarter of 2023, Sanasa General Insurance became the fastest growing insurance company in the sector, marking a record growth of 53%.

The main reason why Sanasa General Insurance became an emerging brand in the insurance sector in a very short period of time was the insurance plans introduced by the company and the excellent service provided to the customers.

It will continue to be committed to fulfilling the customer's service needs without any interruption.

CAPTION - Sanasa General Insurance Chairman Tishan Subasinghe, Chief Operating Officer Wasantha Perera, AGM (Sales) Dilan Gunarathna at the opening ceremony

Read 1168 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 07:42