Nawaloka Hospitals launches Sri Lanka's first 'Lab Tests Online' website

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Published in Healthcare & Insurance Tuesday, 22 September 2020 12:11

Nawaloka Hospitals launches Sri Lankas first Lab Tests Online website

Nawaloka Hospitals launched Sri Lanka's very first “Lab Tests Online” website on the 18th of September to coincide with their 35th Anniversary by Chairman, Dr. Jayantha Dharmadasa, Deputy Chairman, Mr. Harshith Dharmadasa and the Director – Laboratory, Prof Lal Chandrasena.

Nawaloka Lab Test on-Line is a unique concept where the user will access the site, upload the prescription and Select the test, Description of the test, Turnaround time and the Cost, Select the payment options and Select the sample collection options such as Mobile, Nawaloka Drive through or visit the hospital and Fix the time and delivery of reports either by Email, Online or by Courier.

With this process, after the Doctor prescribes the investigations the user can be at home and using the website have the blood drawn at home and the final report delivered at home without stepping out of the home.

The entire process has been simplified using new technology which allows you to make payment by Credit Cards via a “Payment Gateway” and collection of reports electronically which makes it a cashless operation from A – Z.

The user also has the option of Nawaloka Hospitals forwarding the Lab reports to the Consultant directly and electronically.

The follow up of sending an email reminder to schedule your next examination is also another feature.

You can obtain your “Unique Personal Identification Number” (UPIN) which will enable you to access any of our services electronically simply by logging your UPIN Number.

Confidentiality of patient information is secured safely in the Database and is an end to end encrypted and released only on the authorization.

‘Lab Tests On-Line’ has been developed by laboratory professionals to help patients to get a better understanding of many investigations that are part of the routine and special tests used for diagnosis and treatment.

Once in the site, the user will be provided with detailed test descriptions such as the purpose, the condition for which the tests are done, reference articles on such conditions and topics, the meaning of reference ranges links to helpful web sites that will answer questions about your test results.

Patients are also able to tap into the wide wealth of information delivered by the site, such as the purpose of different lab tests and their utility values, preparation processes, prices and the timelines for when the results would arrive after each test.

Essentially, the website allows patients to make informed decisions at each level; from testing to diagnostics.

Knowledge is the key to managing your health care. Commented Prof Lal Chandrasena, Director of the Laboratory.

The modern purpose-built Laboratory which covers an area of 15,000 sq.ft. makes this the largest single Laboratory complex in Sri Lanka.

The fully automated equipments are bi-directionally interfaced to avoid any human errors.

In addition to the conventional investigations like Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Histopathology, Microbiology, there are specialized areas for Allergy, Immunology, Virology and a state-of-the-art Molecular Biology Lab which is capable of handling up to 750 PCR tests a day.

The Laboratory has several independent Labs and collection centers distributed throughout the island.

Our service offers many benefits to regular users such as, regular discount schemes, free mobile services and many others which are offered to loyalty customers.

The Laboratory is accredited by the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for conformity assessment and each specialty is under the care of a Board-certified Consultant.

Nawaloka Hospitals has been the pioneering hospital to have introduced many a first’s in technology in the healthcare sector.

To name a few – the very first CT Scanner, very first MRI Scanner, very first Bypass surgery, Mammography were introduced to Sri Lanka.

Nawaloka Hospitals is a Joint Commission International Accredited hospital which is the Gold standard certified International Healthcare quality standards for patient care and organizational Management.

In the near future, Nawaloka Hospitals PLC will extend this facility to the radiology and other Paramedical services where the user can obtain the services of CT/MRI scanning, X-ray, US Scans, Mammography, DEXA and such services where the patient will step into the hospital only for the duration of the pre-booked test and the rest being taken care of by e-technology.


Photo Caption - Nawaloka Hospitals Chairman, Jayantha Dharmadasa launching the 'Lab Tests Online' website.

Read 1260 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 September 2020 12:22