Softlogic Life inspires families to firmly embrace hope to help power through the pandemic

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Published in Healthcare & Insurance Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:19

Softlogic Life inspires families to firmly embrace hope to help power through the pandemic

Businesscafe - Sri Lanka's most innovative life insurer Softlogic Life has brought in a completely new spin to driving positivity and inspiration - the binge-worthy 'Ledak Giya Durak' miniseries which has been introduced to the digital silver screen.

As a brand committed towards driving a great quality of life among all Sri Lankans, Softlogic Life has recognized its duty to bring notice to the tensions among families navigating life amidst this pandemic for over 1.5 years.

Striving to inspire people to keep pursuing their hopes and dreams despite numerous challenges, is the ultimate message the drama brings to light.

With the uncertainty about the pandemic's duration, limitations in health care resources, lack of social stimulation, and financial losses, Sri Lankans are forced to undergo great emotional distress and psychological manifestations.

The ‘new normal’ practices and regulations around work, education, business and social constructs have also affected people in various ways to bring about stresses that were not previously prevalent.

This has been particularly challenging for families where parents have had to manage children's care and education while juggling the new demands of working from home and concerns for elderly relatives.

Children too have lost their stage to grow by interacting with their peers in school, participating in sports and concerts to showcase and develop their talents, and educating themselves in a wholesome, enriching setting.

This is important, as the constant necessity for psychological connectedness with another human being is vital to the survival and satisfactory development of a child not only in the psychological domain, but also in the physical and cognitive domains.

Therefore, indulging in family activities with children, encouraging their dreams and fulfilling their emotional requirements has never been more important.

In such a context, Softlogic Life believes parents have part to play in creatively and collectively helping their children realize their hopes and dreams while supporting them in working towards a bright future.

"The COVID-19’ pandemic has had a deep impact on all facets of life as we know it for both families and individuals.

As a brand that consistently works hard to enhance the quality of life in Sri Lanka, we want to shed light on these issues and encourage and support our people to power through these unprecedented times together as a family.

This is the ethos behind bringing 'Ledak Giya Durak' to an audience that is currently tense, tired and slowly deprived of hope as the virus rages through the island” Softlogic Life Managing Director, Iftikar Ahamed stated.

"Now more than ever, we need to hold on to hope and build towards our dreams as they are what keeps us and our children going during this extremely bleak period.

Therefore, we want to invigorate our people and inspire them to keep working at their dreams even by taking the smallest steps towards them by bringing to screen stories that they can really connect to.

It can be filming videos for Youtube or cooking or gardening or anything that puts the power and passion back into oneself.

So we are constantly working hard to leverage the momentum built through this campaign to drive these powerful communications through different mediums to minimize the pandemic’s adverse impact on our people," remarked Softlogic Life Vice President Marketing, Kavi Rajapaksha.

To convey this important message to all Sri Lankans, Softlogic Life brings the captivating 'Ledak Giya Durak' to the digital silver screen of Youtube.

The binge-worthy miniseries depicts the many, very relatable emotional and comedic dynamics of daily life within Sri Lankan families going through the pandemic-induced lockdown.

This marks the first time an insurance brand in Sri Lanka has invested this deeply to bring the important message of hope and of keeping dreams alive to people across Sri Lanka.

Ledak Giya Durak is a 10-minute each, 10-episode production revolving around the animated residents of a housing scheme, whose lives are upturned by the lockdown in more ways than one.

Each chapter brings forth a diverse array of financial, emotional, physical and social challenges for these adults and children, as they interact with each other and strive to stay safe but also work towards keeping their hopes and dreams alive.

The series is accessible on tele leader Swarnawahini's Youtube Channel.

Launched in 2018, the ‘Leda Leda’ campaign changed the perception of insurance in the country and became the most talked-about piece of communication for its creativity, effectiveness, execution quality and engaging value.

It won the coveted ‘Brand of the Year’ award at the Effie Awards 2019, making Softlogic Life the only Sri Lankan financial services brand ever to win this accolade at the Effie Awards.


Businesscafe Image Left to Right Softlogic Life Managing Director Iftikar Ahamed and Softlogic Life Vice President Marketing Kavi Rajapaksha.

Read 1001 times Last modified on Wednesday, 15 September 2021 09:37