Another CSR initiative of SANASA Life Insurance PLC

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Published in Healthcare & Insurance Friday, 11 February 2022 03:11

 Another CSR initiative of SANASA Life Insurance PLC

Businesscafe - Sanasa Life Insurance Company PLC recently organized a CSR program to donate bedding, pillows, mattresses and sheets to the monks residing at the Sri Gnanodaya Pirivena, Thalawa, Anuradhapura.

This was organized in conjunction with the 22nd SANASA Nelum Mal Poojawa program, under the patronage of Vishwa Prasadini Dr. PA Kiriwandeniya, Founder of the Sanasa Movement.

Sanasa Life Insurance Chairman Mr. T Karunasena, CEO Indika Kiriwandeniya, COO Mr. Nuwanpriya Gunawardena, Manager- Marketing Mahesh Wickramatunge and several other officials were participated in this event.

This pirivena was initially established as Kotmale Wataddara Sri Gnanodaya Pirivena around 1880 and was registered on 21st February 1921.

In 1980, Sri Gnanodaya Pirivena was relocated in Thalawa area in the Anuradhapura District due to the Kotmale Reservoir Project.

At present there are about 110 student monks and lay children studying in this pirivena and about 600 Dhamma school children.

A 25-room Bhikku Hostel was opened for the novice Bhikkus residing at the Pirivena and all the beds, mattresses, pillows, sheets and table chairs were donated by Sanasa Life.

Commenting on this, Dr. PA Kiriwandeniya, Founder of SANASA, said,

“The role of the monks in moving forward as a nation is immense and it is more important to us now than ever before.

It is important to implement a National level program for it.

From the inception of the SANASA movement, we have been doing our best to all religions.

SANASA Movement is committed to organizing such projects in the future as well. ”

Read 1007 times Last modified on Friday, 11 February 2022 04:06