Facebook to launch Mentions Box Device at Emmys

Sunday, 24 August 2014 08:53

Facebook is set to launch a new device on Monday 25 August, with the aim to allow celebrities to answer questions from members of the public while at the Emmys.

The hand held devices, created by iStrategyLabs, will allow celebrities to “sign in” in order to see questions from fans, and they can then give video responses.

iStragegyLabs said: “After many discussions, brainstorms, and rapid prototyping efforts focused on how to best represent the Facebook platform in physical space, we landed on something between a Magic 8-Ball in function and an Etch-A-Sketch in form.

"Ultimately, we settled on a tablet encased in a polycarbonate form factor finished off with a luxury car finish.”

Names such as Jon Voight, Tina Fey, Julia Roberts and Woody Harrelson will be using the devices, which will be operated by Access Hollywood.




Last modified on Sunday, 24 August 2014 09:17