Instagram to launch 'ad insights' tool to track branded ad performance

Sunday, 24 August 2014 09:29

Instagram is preparing to launch an ‘ad insights’ tool to et brands track ad impressions, engagement and reach, as it looks to make the social network more appealing to advertisers.

The scheme, which will help paying brands engage and understand the user base of Instagram, will provide real-time ad performance data.

The tool will also automatically update paid content producers with data, building on the previous system where brands had to request such information.

However, the update will not include the feature to purchase ad space straight from the picture-based social network's website with brands instead having to contact the company directly to negotiate a partnership.

The picture-centric social network now has over 150 million active monthly users. Additionally, it was found to have over 50 times more consumer engagements than Facebook, in April, making it a desirable network for brands.


Last modified on Sunday, 24 August 2014 09:58