Businesscafe - This Vesak, AIA Insurance, Sri Lanka’s Most Respected and Most Loved Insurer in the Corporate Brands Category, proudly presented the greatest gift of life to the villagers of Kimbulpatiyawa, Anuradhapura which is clean and safe drinking water. ...
  Businesscafe - Farmers in Sri Lanka’s North Central Province were recently exposed to the functionalities of drones in the modernisation of agricultural practices, at an awareness programme organised by the Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC in collaboration with Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. ...
Businesscafe - Australian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka His Excellency Paul Stephens, in collaboration with the Tertiary Vocational Education Commission (TVEC), officially launched the District skills development plans supporting tourism development with representatives from the District Secretariats of Anuradhapura and Matale Districts. ...
Businesscafe - Toyota Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, the exclusive dealer and distributor for Toyota vehicles and spare parts in Sri Lanka, and a fully owned subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corporation (TTC), Japan, recently relocated its service facility in the ancient city of Anuradhapura to offer all services under one roof. ...

Businesscafe - Backed by over 20 years of experience in providing superior financial services, leading integrated financial services provider HNB FINANCE, recently shifted its branch in Anuradhapura to an expansive, modern four-storey premises located at No 64, Abhaya Place, New Town. ...