Lanka ORIX Leasing Company PLC Opens Trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange

Wednesday, 02 March 2016 03:43

Lanka ORIX Leasing Company PLC (LOLC) rang the opening bell to commence trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE).

Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Chairman of CSE speaking at the event stated “We thank the LOLC Group for taking part in this market opening ceremony, which marks the first day of trading for the month of March.

I’m proud to see how LOLC has excelled in many industries and cemented its position as a true conglomerate”.

Mr. Kulatilaka commended LOLC’s continued commitment to SME and regional development through the company’s Micro Lending facilities and invited the company to showcase its credentials at foreign roadshows organized by the CSE in future.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Kapila Jayawardena, Managing Director/CEO at the LOLC Group stated “We will be committed to support the CSE by investing and expanding our presence in the market.

LOLC has a strong presence in the CSE through our 12 listed companies and that will only continue to grow as we expand our reach both locally and internationally.”

LOLC Group Managing Director/CEO Mr. Kapila Jayawardena, Chief Operating/Legal Officer Mr. Kithsiri Gunawardena, Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Sunjeevani Kotakadeniya, Chief Information Officer Mr. Conrad Dias and LOLC Securities CEO Mr. Sriyan Gurusinghe represented the LOLC Group at the ceremony.

CSE’s Chairman Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Director Mr. Moksevi Prelis and CEO Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike were also present at the event.

Market Opening Ceremonies are conducted by the CSE to serve as a platform to generate exposure for listed companies as they celebrate important milestones in the capital market.

About CSE

The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) operates the only stock market in Sri Lanka and is responsible for providing a transparent and regulated environment where companies and investors can come together.

The CSE is a company that is limited by guarantee established under the Laws of Sri Lanka.

The CSE is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) and is a mutual exchange consisting of 15 Members and 21 Trading Members.

All Members and Trading Members are licensed by the SEC to operate as Stockbrokers. For more information, please visit:

Photo - (L-R) CSE CEO Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike, CSE Director Mr. Moksevi Prelis, LOLC Securities CEO Mr. Sriyan Gurusinghe, LOLC Group Managing Director/CEO Mr. Kapila Jayawardena, CSE Chairman Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, LOLC Group Chief Operating/Legal Officer Mr. Kithsiri Gunawardena, LOLC Group Chief Financial Officer Mrs. Sunjeevani Kotakadeniya and LOLC Group Chief Information Officer Mr. Conrad Dias.

Last modified on Wednesday, 02 March 2016 03:50