Sampath Bank PLC Opens Trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange

Sampath Bank PLC rang the opening bell to commence trading at the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE).

The market opening ceremony was organized to mark the first trading day for the month of April.

Sampath Bank PLC Chairman Mr. Dhammika Perera, Managing Director Mr. Aravinda Perera, COO Mr. Nanda Fernando, Senior DGM for Consumer Banking Mr. Tharaka Ranwala, Senior DGM for Corporate Banking Mrs. Shashi Kandambi Jassim and others from the bank’s senior management were present at the event.

Chairman Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Director Mr. Moksevi Prelis, Director Mr. Ray Abeywardena, CEO Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike and the senior management from CSE were also present at the ceremony.

Speaking at the event, Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, the Chairman of CSE thanked the leadership of Sampath Bank for participating at the forum and commended the contribution of the bank to the CSE over the years.

He noted that establishing a service oriented culture, embracing technology and empowering leadership has helped the bank transform the Sri Lankan banking industry.

Commenting on the developments at the CSE Mr. Kulatilaka stated further “We are very optimistic of what the future holds.

The CSE is taking a number of steps to develop into a world-class exchange, bringing in facilities that would be beneficial to all our stakeholders.

Initiatives such as the event we held in the Maldives recently to attract foreign listings demonstrate the ambition and growth plans of the CSE.”

Speaking at the event, Mr. Aravinda Perera, Managing Director at Sampath Bank said “It was through the CSE and the help of our shareholders that Sampath Bank was able to start its journey to become the 3rd largest private bank in the country.

We have always tried to build strong relationships and bonds with our shareholders and in doing so demonstrated the importance of being upfront and transparent about our activities.”

He added “Despite what is said about the economy, last year was an extremely good year for us and I know that this year too will be a good year.

Regarding credit growth, we have very positive credit growth. On average we have done better than our peers within the last three years.”

Commenting on the Bank’s journey with the CSE Mr. Perera further stated “In September 2010 our share recorded the highest price of a share in the banking sector at the time.

We are very happy to be one of the major stakeholders in the CSE, a stake that stands to increase with our performance in future.”

Market Opening Ceremonies are conducted by the CSE to serve as a platform to generate exposure for listed companies as they celebrate important milestones in the capital market.

About CSE

The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) operates the only stock market in Sri Lanka and is responsible for providing a transparent and regulated environment where companies and investors can come together.

The CSE is a company that is limited by guarantee established under the Laws of Sri Lanka.

The CSE is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) and is a mutual exchange consisting of 15 Members and 21 Trading Members.

All Members and Trading Members are licensed by the SEC to operate as Stockbrokers.

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Photo Caption - CSE Chairman Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka presents a token of appreciation to Sampath Bank Chairman Mr. Dhammika Perera

Last modified on Sunday, 10 April 2016 04:20