Sri Lanka Export Development Board powers ‘Woman Exporter of the Year’

Saturday, 11 June 2016 05:39

To recognize the exceptional performance of women in the business of exports, Sri Lanka Export Development Board (SLEDB) has come forward as the principal sponsor for ‘Woman Exporter of the Year’ award, to be given out at one of the most coveted ceremonies where successful women entrepreneurs are lauded and good effort, commended.

The event is the Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC)’s biennial gala Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards, Sri Lanka’s premier national awards programme that celebrates the achievements of outstanding businesswomen.

The ceremony will take place on 5th August this year with HE President Maithripala Sirisena as Chief Guest.

“WCIC, through these awards have been recognizing the contribution of women entrepreneurs and this is the first time that women exporters will have a chance to be recognized for their stellar performance in the space” explained Chairperson of WCIC, Rifa Musthapha.

Chairperson, SLEDB, Indira Malwatte said that this is a landmark award.

“Contribution of exporters to our national economy is vital and the timing is perfect to recognize and reward women exporters who circumvent innumerable challenges, vagaries of global markets and a host of uncertainties, to pursue their export initiatives”.

The award for the most outstanding woman exporter is a first in the portfolio of WCIC’s awards.

Commenting on the awards, Musthapha went on to note, “The collective impact of our Country’s women entrepreneurs can never be overstated.

This celebration of achievement pays tribute to exceptional entrepreneurs who have achieved recognizable success by building and leading an entrepreneurial venture that has made a significant impact on the economy and the community.

Now it’s time we categorized the awards and as a first step are delighted that the EDB has come forward to salute and support a woman exporter from our midst.”

Applications are available at the WCIC secretariat and could be downloaded from their website

Closing date for applications is 20th June 2016. An esteemed and independent panel of judges will evaluate the applications.

About the Women’s Chamber of Industry & Commerce (WCIC), Sri Lanka

The Women's Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC) was started in 1985, essentially to bring women entrepreneurs into the mainstream of business activity in the Country.

Since then, WCIC has been the platform and catalyst for women in business, facilitating participation at international trade events, developing policies that are favourable and playing an active role in raising the profile of its membership for exposure and recognition.

Last modified on Saturday, 11 June 2016 06:07