CIPM SL Postpones World HR Congress to Q1 2021

CIPM – the Nation’s leader in human resource management announced that the "World HR Congress 2020", the world's largest HR conclave which was to be held in July 2020 in Colombo has been postponed to Q1 of 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Exact dates of the conclave will be notified in due course.

“Giving priority to the health and safety of all concerned and government regulations currently in force, we have decided to postpone the World HR Congress2020 scheduled for July 2020 to March 2021.

As the most significant event in the calendar of HR professionals in Sri Lanka as well as the world over, we will ensure that the rescheduled conference will add significant value to the participants incorporating the ongoing changes to the world of work and life due to the current game changing situation posed by the pandemic” said Dhammika Fernando-President, CIPM Sri Lanka and Chairman-Organizing Committee of the World HR Congress2020.

All registrations and fees paid to-date for the event will remain valid for the new date of the conclave in Q1 2021.

If so desired, registered participants may request for refunds of the registration fees paid which will be processed by the event management partner M/s. Paragon Asia.

More details can be obtained by contacting the CIPM Sri Lanka Secretariat.

CIPM was founded in 1959 – incorporated by Parliamentary Act No. 24 of 1976, amended by Act No. 31 of 2018. CIPM is affiliated to the Asia Pacific Foundation of Human Resource Management and to the World Federation of People Management Associations.

CIPM, being a professional institute is also a constituent member of the Organization of Professional Associations [OPA] Sri Lanka.

Currently, CIPM comprises of over 1600 Professional Members who serve in both public and private organizations.

It was elevated to Chartered Status by the Parliament of Sri Lanka on the 28th of September 2018 by amending the original Act of establishment.

Last modified on Tuesday, 19 May 2020 16:06