Platinum Immigration Solutions (Pvt) Ltd Enriches Vesak Celebration with Generous Kaha Bath Dansala (11 Photos)

Platinum Immigration Solutions Pvt Ltd Enriches Vesak Celebration with Generous Kaha Bath Dansala Image 1Platinum Immigration Solutions Pvt Ltd Enriches Vesak Celebration with Generous Kaha Bath Dansala

Businesscafe - In a heartfelt celebration of the Vesak festival, Platinum Immigration Solutions (Pvt) Ltd hosted a Kaha Bath Dansala at their office premises, offering a generous feast to the local community.

This special event embodied the spirit of Vesak, fostering community spirit and compassion

The Dansala commenced with a serene and uplifting Buddhist chant led by Madihe Chandananda Thero from the Bambalapitiya Mettaramaya Temple, who blessed the event and all those in attendance.

This auspicious beginning set a harmonious tone for the gathering, which saw a large and enthusiastic crowd come together to celebrate Vesak.

Organizing committee ensured that all food was prepared with the utmost care and hygiene, reflecting their commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

This Dansala marked the first time Platinum Immigration Solutions (Pvt) Ltd organized such an event, guided by the vision and leadership of Company Directors Mr. Sohail Shakoor and Mrs. Banu Nazar, alongside the dedicated Platinum team.

Their collective effort not only made the event possible but also highlighted their commitment to community service and cultural celebration.

Inspired by the success of this year’s Dansala, Platinum Immigration Solutions (Pvt) Ltd plans to continue this tradition in the coming years.

The positive feedback and community engagement have encouraged the team to make this an annual event, further strengthening their bond with the local community.

"Vesak is a time for reflection, compassion, and giving. We are grateful for the overwhelming response to our first Bath Dansala and look forward to making this an annual tradition.

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us and supported this initiative," said Mr. Sohail Shakoor and Mrs. Banu Nazar.

Last modified on Sunday, 26 May 2024 12:13