Businesscafe - The Coke Food Fest electrified Ja-Ela Municipal Council Grounds on August 31st and September 1st, with a feast of flavors, lively beats, and an endless supply of Coca-Cola. ...
Businesscafe - Bringing the global phenomenon 'Is Cooking' to the fantastic crowd at Kuliyapitiya, Coca-Cola's recent 'Coke Kottu Beat Party' captivated an incredible 52,000 attendees in early June. ...
Businesscafe - Coca-Cola Sri Lanka celebrates the resounding success of its first Coke Kottu Beat Party for 2024, held at the Elpitiya Public Ground, with an astounding turnout of approximately 35,000 attendees. ...
Businesscafe - Sri Lanka, a nation known for its vibrant culture and diverse traditions, is perhaps most celebrated for its culinary delights. ...

Coke Kottu Beat Party – Now in Colombo!

Published in Food & Beverage
Thursday, 26 October 2023 04:49
Businesscafe -The Coke Kottu Beat Party, which brought together over 125,000 participants across 6 locations in the country, is now heading to Colombo, Maharagama Nawinna Ground on the 27th of October. ...

The Coke Kottu Beat Party strikes in Kandy!

Published in Food & Beverage
Tuesday, 01 August 2023 09:03
Businesscafe - The Coke Kottu Beat Party brought an exhilarating experience to Kandy as a part of its renowned 'is cooking' campaign, uniting the Sri Lankan passion for Kottu and music across the country. ...
Businesscafe - Coca-Cola's "Now Matara's Cooking" campaign created a captivating platform that celebrated Sri Lankan cuisine and culture through its renowned Coke Kottu Beat Party. ...