Businesscafe - Orderhub, one of the new innovative modules of Blue Lotus 360 ERP designed for seamless online order management, has been awarded the prestigious National Award for Best Innovative Product/Project in E-commerce & Retail at the SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024. ...
Businesscafe - The Electronic Certificate of Origin (eCoO) system at the Department of Commerce (DoC) received two prestigious awards including the 'National Winner for the Best Innovative Product/Project in the Government Sector' at the recently held SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards 2024. ...
Businesscafe - For the second consecutive year, Sysco LABS’ Delivery Excellence team won both provincial and national top honors in the ‘Best Innovation in Internal Process, Technology or Framework’ category at the SLASSCOM Ingenuity Awards. ...
Businesscafe - In a major transformation shift in the Sri Lankan legal industry, an artificial intelligence (AI) powered legal research platform has been introduced by RedBlocks AI (Pvt) Ltd, featuring the country's largest legal database, addressing the critical pain points that have long hindered efficient legal research. ...