A Couple Built a Gigantic 75 Sq Ft Bed for Their Seven Cats and Dogs

Friday, 18 September 2015 05:00

This animal-loving couple just couldn’t sleep without their menagerie of seven pets close by.

So they built this astonishing bunker bed - which at 75 sq ft is larger than many rooms.

Reddit user Robdogbird built the 6.5ft by 11.5ft bunk with his girlfriend.

And they now settle down for sweet dreams every night - alongside their five cats and two dogs.

The couple, believed to be from the U.S., uploaded images of their impressive bunk to Reddit. And the snaps have since gone viral.

They fashioned the gigantic bed - which Pomeranian Lexi and Lola the Chihuahua, plus cats Bear, Zoey, Kitty, Prince Caspian and Isha, absolutely love - from two mattresses and a DIY storage base.

Although they have to wash their lined more often than most, Robdogbird said he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Because the animals love it so much we do have to wash four loads of bedding regularly… still, one of our schemes I am most satisfied with,” he wrote on Reddit.

Their construction has wowed many online. “As a 6'5” guy, this is my dream bed,“ wrote one fan.

"As a mum of five, it’s my dream bed. Have a queen, get kicked out of bed every night. Little Blighters won’t stay in their own beds,” added another.

But some said they couldn’t believe the couple would let animals sleep in their bed.

“My dog has his own bed. Doesn’t matter if he’s clean, he still smells like a damn dog. People are gross sometimes,” wrote one.

Last modified on Friday, 18 September 2015 05:19