Katy Perry was kissed by a young girl ( Video )

Thursday, 01 October 2015 05:09

An overzealous fan decided to kiss Katy Perry while she performed in Rio de Janeiro.

The singer handled it with grace, but didn't enjoy it.

An overzealous fan jumped on stage at Katy Perry's Prismatic World Tour set, at Rock in Rio,when she invited an excitable fan on stage at her perfomance over the weekend.

Her fan decided it was appropriate to kiss and grope the pop star, who looked shocked but managed to stay composed and joke about it.

The singer peeled the fan off and held her at arms length, telling the crowd: "She's kissing my neck!".

Katy Perry laughed and said “We might need that water back. We need some water."

Figuring out why perhaps her fan was being quite so loving, Ms. Perry joked: “I think she's rolling.”

Some stars would probably kick a fan off stage if they dared to plant kisses all over their face and neck.

Perry, however, when she had got her admirer to stand at an appropriate distance away, chatted to her.

She then asked the concert attendee to teach her some words in Portuguese.

The excitable fan failed to take the hint and continued to grope Perry's breasts and started kissing her again.

Perry sent her off stage by patting her bum, and the giddy admirer happily returned the favour.

Perhaps the young fan needed to realise that not everyone wants to taste her cherry chapstick.

Last modified on Thursday, 01 October 2015 05:18