Twenty five years after she launched her first retail store, entrepreneur and brand builder Otara Gunewardene has returned to that location to open an independent store to celebrate Christmas with Embark fans in Colombo.

Akira, a 100% Sri Lankan produced fashion brand has opened its doors to the discerning shopper at No. 53, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda, showcasing a unique range of well-designed clothing for men and women.

One of Colombo’s trendiest clothing stores, Shay International recently secured the prestigious award for Best ‘Own-Brand’ recently at the Mercedes Benz Fashion and Apparel Awards.

JAT Holdings, the proud distributor of the world renowned Herman Miller seating and desking solution in Sri Lanka, successfully conducted its inaugural Aeron Hockey Tournament, yet another first in the corporate sporting history of the country.

The magic of Christmas and the festive season made an early appearance at Sri Lanka’s favourite department store with ODEL’s annual Yuletide makeover transforming the Alexandra Place mansion in characteristically glamorous fashion.

Less than nine months after it was commissioned, the new head office of the Brandix Group won the ‘Gold Flame’ for Commercial Buildings in the Large Scale category at the Sri Lanka National Energy Efficiency Awards 2015, reaffirming the apparel manufacturing giant’s commitment to the environment.

Weightlifter Ransilu brings home the Gold

Friday, 11 December 2015 06:17

Former national weightlifting champion Ransilu Jayatillake made Sri Lanka proud by winning Gold in the 120 kilogrammes class body weight category at the Singapore Open Power Lifting Championships held in Singapore recently.

Hemas Hospital laboratory services which believe in cutting edge technology and has the largest laboratory network in Sri Lanka, entered into a collaboration with Credence Genomics, the pioneer in genomic research and diagnostics in Sri Lanka.

With the forthcoming festive season literally around the corner, Tiesh, one of Sri Lanka’s leading contemporary jewellers proudly presents ‘Black Temptations’, a collection of exquisite black silver jewellery lavishly studded with precious and semi-precious Sri Lankan gem stones.

A new level of convenience has been offered to policyholders of Ceylinco Life to pay their insurance premiums, following the deployment by the life insurance leader of mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) devices via sales personnel in the field.

The headquarters building of the Brandix Group has been awarded the Green Mark – Platinum certification by the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB), making it the first commercial building in Sri Lanka to receive this rating, developed by the Building Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore to assess Green buildings.