Sign up for Earth Hour 2015 and Use Your Power

Tuesday, 10 February 2015 04:15

Earth Hour is a global initiative organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) that has been engaging individuals from all over the world for nine years.

This year, Earth Hour will take place on Saturday 28 March 2015 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and individuals, businesses and local communities are encouraged to sign up on the official Earth Hour Sri Lanka website ( ) to support the initiative.

By signing up on the website and participating in the global ”switch off”, Sri Lankans will be able to join millions of others from around the world to demonstrate their commitment to saving the planet.

Under the global theme for 2015 ‘Change Climate Change’, Earth Hour unites an inter-connected global community, inspiring change and giving hope to millions of people from all corners of the globe.

The single act of “switching off” non-essential lights for one whole hour brings millions of people together in solidarity and the darkness symbolizes unity amongst participants as well as their love and dedication to care for our planet.

The initiative has grown to involve hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life across 7,000 cities and towns in more than 162 countries and territories.

Each year, millions of people from all parts of the world unite with the single act of turning off the lights for one hour.

Earth Hour goes beyond saving electricity for an hour and unites people who share a global commitment towards creating a far-reaching environmental and social impact that makes a significant difference in the world.

At precisely 8:30 p.m. on Saturday 28 March 2015, hundreds of millions of people from businesses, governments and local communities around the world will turn off their lights for one hour.

This single act transcends all barriers of race, religion, culture, society, age and geography and enables people to be a part of a global celebration of the planet and a commitment to preserve it.

Commenting on the power of Earth Hour, Abdul Qadir Uvais, Earth Hour’s Representative in Sri Lanka stated, “The global theme for Earth Hour 2015 ‘Change Climate Change’ conveys a strong message to every individual across the globe.

‘Climate change’ impacts different people and countries in various ways, however we are all affected by it and the environmental stability of the world is worsening due to a lack of concern for this issue.

For the second consecutive year in Sri Lanka, Earth Hour is encouraging you to ‘Use #YourPower’ and show your commitment to preserving the planet.”

Use your power and join the mission to protect our planet by participating in Earth Hour 2015. For more information or to pledge your support visit and share your stories on 

Last modified on Tuesday, 10 February 2015 04:34