Bates collaborates with Burson-Marsteller India to offer enhanced Crisis Management capability

In response to increased interest and requests from Sri Lanka’s corporate sector for professional expertise in being trained and prepared to handle contentious issues and unforeseen crises, as well as support in handling communications and the media at times of crisis, Bates Strategic Alliance’s PR arm Strategic Alliance PR has reached out to their Burson-Marsteller network to enhance their own unmatched local experience with collaboration from Genesis Burson-Marsteller, India’s leading public relations and public affairs consultancy.

Sheena Sharma, Lead Trainer in issues and crisis preparedness and Chief Officer of Genesis Burson-Marsteller’s media training arm was invited by Strategic Alliance PR, Exclusive Affiliate of global PR giant Burson-Marsteller, to address key local corporates on being prepared for crises and how to manage it through successful communications.

Attending the event were Board Directors, CEOs and Senior Management from some of Sri Lanka's leading corporates, who have perceived the importance of crisis preparedness and the need to equip their senior management with suitable know-how and media communications.

Recent local business scenarios have demonstrated in stark clarity the cost of damage from inadequately handled issues and crises to a corporate reputation.

Few circumstances test a company’s reputation or competency as severely as a crisis. Regardless of a company's size, reputation or industry, corporate crises cause immense pressure threatening a company’s reputation and its ability to conduct business.

Therefore, a coordinated approach to crisis management and preparedness can help an organization towards an effective, well-managed crisis response retaining a favourable impression and renewed confidence in the company.

Ms. Sharma said, “Crises are being reported in the mainstream press with citizen responses shared virally on social media on a daily basis and at times against the most revered brands.

The social media kick-in is fast and furious and the shelf life of a crisis has changed from just a few days and to now weeks and months”.

She reiterated the need to communicate proactively with confidence and transparency in times of crisis minimising damage to a corporate’s reputation.

Commenting on the reasons for preparedness Ms. Sharma said, “One needs to be prepared not only because of the changes caused on account of technology but also a raft of other drivers that include customer expectations and also an increased number of influencers.”

Addressing the gathering, Nimal Gunewardena, Chairman and CEO Bates Strategic Alliance and Strategic Alliance PR, Exclusive Affiliate of global PR giant Burson-Marsteller, said “In today’s context, where companies are mandated and watched on by the public and media alike to operate with high customer care, ethical standards and social and environmental sensitivity, these are tested critically in the ‘moments of truth’ when a crisis occurs.

This is what makes crisis preparedness a mandatory requirement for companies, in determining the best course of action to take in crisis situations and handling these well to ensure effective damage control and swift recovery to prove their bona fides come out of it favourably.”

Using her experience of over 20 years in communication training and PR with specific expertise in messaging, media spokespeople training, issues and crises, online public relations, and stakeholder engagement, and a vast pool of case learnings from the Indian context, Ms. Sharma is working with Strategic Alliance PR to bring Sri Lanka’s corporates customized training and preparedness programmes for issues and crises.

The recent evening talk offered local corporates key insights into this highly relevant and timely subject, and was commended highly by all those who attended.

Bates Strategic Alliance’s Strategic Alliance PR with its pioneering leadership in the PR field spanning 22 years, has built an unmatched track record with public and private sector organisations in managing contentious issues, advocacy, reputational risk and crisis response, having tackled several such communications challenges.

The Agency is recognized for its specialized professional consultancy, now further enhanced with network collaboration on a range of crisis readiness, response and recovery capabilities.

The crisis preparedness and training programs ensure that clients have the structures, tools and resources in place to prevent crises where possible, and successfully navigate them, if they are unavoidable.

Last modified on Monday, 26 October 2015 04:57