Hatton National Bank PLC Opens Trading at CSE

Hatton National Bank PLC (HNB) opened trading on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) yesterday (January 5).

This event was yet another in a series of Market Opening Ceremonies, featuring the companies from the S&P SL20 index.

Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer Mr. Jonathan Alles, DGM – Credit & Transaction Banking Mrs. Ruvini Thenabadu, DGM – Legal/Board Secretary Mrs. Thushairi Ranaweera, DGM - Corporate Banking Mr. Ruwan Manatunge, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Ashok Goonesekere and Chief Manager – Planning & Investments Mr. Rajive Dissanayake from Hatton National Bank PLC and Chairman Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Director Mr. Anton Godfrey, CEO Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike and the Senior Management from the CSE took part in the Market Opening Ceremony.

Chairman of CSE Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka welcoming the guests stated that “despite 2016 being a challenging year for stock markets globally we are excited.

The reason is that this will be a year of implementation of many capital market initiatives that will happen and the banking sector should be aware of it.”

He further stated “We just got the Exchange Control approval to start listing foreign companies here.

Again opportunity to banks, because that gives you confidence to lend to foreign companies because that will be listed in Sri Lanka.”

The Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of Hatton National Bank PLC Mr. Jonathan Alles stated that “HNB’s experience with CSE is a very good one.

HNB first listed in 1971 and since then has grown to be one of the dominant stocks in the CSE, within the top 10 in terms of the market cap and exceeding Rs.10 Bn. in turnover in 2015”.

He further stated “in the HNB group, Lanka Ventures, HNB Assurance are listed and our recent acquisition, HNB Grameen will be listed shortly.

In addition its joint venture companies, Acuity Stockbrokers, Acuity Securities and the corporate advisory team are well positioned to take advantage of the interesting developments planned for CSE in 2016” he continued.

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1.) (L-R) Chief Financial Officer of HNB Mr. Ashok Goonesekere, Chief Manager – Planning & Investments of HNB Mr. Rajive Dissanayake, DGM – Credit & Transaction Banking of HNB Mrs. Ruvini Thenabadu, CEO of CSE Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike, Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of HNB Mr. Jonathan Alles, Chairman of CSE Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Director of CSE Mr. Anton Godfrey, DGM – Legal/Board Secretary of HNB Mrs. Thushairi Ranaweera and DGM - Corporate Banking of HNB Mr. Ruwan Manatunge.

2.) (L-R) DGM – Credit & Transaction Banking of HNB Mrs. Ruvini Thenabadu, DGM - Corporate Banking of HNB Mr. Ruwan Manatunge, CEO of CSE Mr. Rajeeva Bandaranaike, Director of CSE Mr. Anton Godfrey, Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of HNB Mr. Jonathan Alles, Chairman of CSE Mr. Vajira Kulatilaka, Chief Financial Officer of HNB Mr. Ashok Goonesekere, DGM – Legal/Board Secretary of HNB Mrs. Thushairi Ranaweera and Chief Manager – Planning & Investments of HNB Mr. Rajive Dissanayake.

Last modified on Wednesday, 06 January 2016 07:39