A Glitzy Children’s Day celebration at the Cancer Hospital

In response to the overwhelming positive impact of its CSR projects at the Cancer Hospital last year, Glitz, the fashion destination, once again infused joy and happiness at the hospital for the occasion of Children’s Day on 1st October 2015 and succeeded in putting smiles on the faces of children admitted at the hospital.

In keeping with its strong sustainability commitment to serve society and, more particularly, its most vulnerable segment - children, Glitz has engaged in many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects that have a far-reaching impact in enhancing the lives of children.

The company’s association with the Cancer Hospital has been particularly rewarding as it was able to experience the enthusiasm and unrivalled excitement of the little cancer patients as they put aside their plight for a few hours and immersed themselves in the activities organized by Glitz.

Apart from this annual CSR project at the Cancer Hospital, Glitz is also engaged closely with CSR projects at SOS Village in Sri Lanka in an ongoing manner.

Commenting on the occasion of Children’s Day, Glitz’ Marketing Manager, Raneez Sheriff, said:

“It gives us great joy and satisfaction to see and feel the difference that our interaction with the children at Cancer Hospital has.

In response to the overwhelming response to our CSR project at the Cancer Hospital last year, we took a decision to repeat the same project this year as well to mark Children’s Day.

Children are the future of our society and cherishing them is our responsibility.

We are privileged to be able to bring joy into the lives of these children. We remain committed to nurturing their smiles and laughter, and making their dreams come true.”

In addition, the Assistant Manager - Marketing, of Glitz, Aqaam Wahabdeen had this to say, “We are constantly exploring worthy CSR causes and our association with the Cancer Hospital has been mutually rewarding.

We thank the authorities at the hospital for their cooperation.

Our visit to the hospital on Children’s Day this year too was an overwhelming success during which we distributed generous gifts amongst the children and organized a host of games and recreational activities to keep them engaged for hours.”

Glitz had organized a magical day for the children of the Cancer Hospital on the occasion of Children’s Day, which consisted of a magic show, balloon modeling, entertainers dressed as cartoon characters and distribution of gifts. During this jamboree organized by Glitz, the afflicted children were able to forget their condition and run around, play and enjoy like normal children.

Buoyed by the response to its gesture over the past two years, Glitz plans to make this project a highlight of its portfolio of CSR activities.

The company has already contributed towards a permanent stage at the Cancer Hospital in partnership with the Rotaract club of Panadura to be used for theatrical performances and to showcase the talents of kids.


Picture 1 - Starting off the Day with the Kids at the National Cancer Institution.

Picture 2 - Bugs Bunny, Winnie the Pooh and Mickey entertaining the kids.

Picture 3 - Story time for the little ones.

Picture 4 - Parents and Kids eagerly watching the magic show.

Picture 5 - Kids enjoying their balloon crafts.

Picture 6 - Team Glitz moving through the wards distributing gifts to all kids.

Picture 7 - Team Glitz with the nurse in-charge at the National Cancer Institution after an evening of fun and giving.

Last modified on Tuesday, 24 November 2015 05:06