At Home in the City : John Keells Properties supports the Car Free Day initiative

Colombo is Sri Lanka’s cosmopolitan hub and the country’s commercial capital.

Yet the city retains a certain uniqueness unusual to its peers around the world- pockets of fresh air as one walks through the evening traffic, birdsong over the blaring of horns, and stunning sunsets still visible over its fast-transforming landscape are just a few of the many delights to be found here.

In a city that has stood witness to Sri Lanka’s tumultuous modern history, a strong spirit of community still thrives.

CarFreeCMB on Sunday, 14 July tapped into this community spirit to bring together Colombo’s inhabitants from all walks of life.

On a quiet, relaxed Sunday morning they explored Green Path and Independence Avenue on their feet or on bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards, taking time to wander through the streets with fresh eyes and open minds.

Many partners came together to support the initiative by the Colombo Municipal Council and the Embassy of the Netherlands - John Keells Properties was one such partner.

“It was a real pleasure to see neighbors meet each other and strangers chat over coffee while walking the streets.

This is what Colombo is about,” said Roshanie Jayasundera-Moraes, Chief Marketing Officer of John Keells Properties.

John Keells Properties is a strong believer in the city’s potential.

It is the developer behind Cinnamon Life, the upcoming integrated resort that is transforming the city’s skyline and future.

The company is also known for its four landmark residential properties in Colombo; The Monarch, The Emperor, OnThree20 at Union Place and 7th Sense on Gregory’s Road.

In 2019, it unveiled its latest venture TRI-ZEN which introduced purpose-built smart living to Colombo.

TRI-ZEN is literally walking distance from Colombo’s professional hubs- a deliberate move made by the developers to bring a previously unimagined sense of community to its busy residents.

From TRI-ZEN, many residents could opt to use their cars less often.

It is designed to help residents experience Colombo anew.

In this sense, CarFreeCMB’s concept of enjoying the streets car-free to stay healthy and promote green living rang truer than for most with JK Properties’ vision for the future of Colombo.

“Colombo is one of Asia’s most multicultural cities with a very rich history and legacy.

Our properties are designed to get people out and about in Colombo, so we were very proud to stand alongside the organizers of CarFreeCMB to promote clean living with a fun, safe and environmentally friendly community event in this city that we all love and call home,” continued Jayasundera-Moraes.

Last modified on Wednesday, 31 July 2019 08:57